Nutritionists No.1 supplement? Magnesium

25th Jul 2023

Most nutritionists will recommend magnesium as part of a basic regime and with good reason. Of all the nutrients mentioned as low in National Diet and Nutrition Surveys, magnesium is the one which is concerning for the most people; up to 70% of women and 50% of men do not consume the UK NRV of 375mg a day. Involved in over 300 processes in the body, magnesium can contribute to energy release, as it is required for several steps in the conversion of glucose to ATP. It is also involved in normal muscle and nerve function and bone health, via roles in osteoclast, osteoblast and parathyroid hormone function.

Not only do we not consume sufficient magnesium rich foods, such as wholegrain cereals, green leafy vegetables and nuts and seeds in the UK, there are many conditions which can either deplete our levels or increase our requirements. Stress and increased sweating either from exercising or hot weather, can increase magnesium losses as can conditions such as diabetes. Some medications, including popular PPIs such as omeprazole, can reduce magnesium absorption, so supplementation is important for many groups of people. Link to Article