D has become part of everyday health language in the last decade, as
most people are now familiar with at least some of its many benefits.
From bone health to supporting immune function, it is well established
that supplementation for all adults and children is required for at
least part of the year.
A recent study, conducted in Australia,
has found that a high dose of Vitamin D reduced the risk of heart attack
and the requirement for a heart bypass by 20% and 11% respectively. The
authors also acknowledged that these results may be even more
significant if they were conducted in a less sunny, northern hemisphere
population. Whilst the dose used, 60,000iu a month, seems high, this is
equivalent to 2000iu a day, a level which is considered safe to use. A
separate study from Finland has also found that Vitamin D decreases
atrial fibrillation. Link to Article