Lutein and zeaxanthin to protect the eyes

25th May 2023

There are aspects of our eye health which cannot be controlled or changed such as long and short-sightedness. But lifestyle and diet can have a significant effect. Too much screen time or sunshine and a diet low in colourful fruit and vegetables can mean that the levels of a compound called lutein, and its close relative zeaxanthin, in the macula of the eye are less than ideal. Studies have found that higher lutein intakes are associated with a lower risk of macular degeneration. The increase in our exposure to blue light from mobile phones, laptops, tablets and indoor lighting, which can damage the macula, mean that this is of concern for everyone, not just the older generation. Omega 3, from foods such as oily fish and nuts and seeds, is also great for the eyes. DHA can contribute to normal vision and omega 3 has also been indicated for dry eyes. Link to Article