​ Important nutrients for those taking the pill

12th Jun 2023

white blue and orange medication pill

Important nutrients for those taking the pill

Studies undertaken as long ago as the 1960 and 1970s have shown that use of the oral contraceptive (OC) pill can affect the absorption and status of several nutrients. These include several of the B vitamins, Vitamins C and E, zinc, selenium, and magnesium. B6 and magnesium are of particular concern as they may have effects on pre-menstrual symptoms such as mood swings and food cravings, as well as muscle cramps. Folic acid levels can also be lowered by OC use, and it is important for women to consider the use of a supplement containing this vitamin whilst using the pill and if it is stopped, because of the effect it has pre-conceptually and during early pregnancy on neural tube defects. Link to Article